วันศุกร์ที่ 20 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

Comparison between the bejing hotel fire and world trade centre building 7 collapse

be sure to watch www.youtube.com it's an outstanding piece of work that goes way deeper on this matter than this vid does. reupload from watch?v=AwV5amOxcv8 a very good short clip with a great song (though I don't like rap much I think this is very well done). I would like to note that I do not agree with everything in the song personally. all I personally stand for is that there are a lot of questions, but any connection to bush or other parts of US government has not been proven, but connection with al qaeda isn't proven any more thoroughly. for all we know it was the russians, israel, the chinese, bilderberg group or some other cause/explanation I can't come up with. what is needed is a very thorough and independent investigation in what really happened on that day. the 911 commission report, the commission itself and their investigation most definitely are a sham, and that saying it in the nicest way possible. music by conspirituality the song is ambushed visit www.youtube.com to see the official video. www.ae911truth.org for more info now, I've heard some people claiming there was fuel stored in building 7 and I'd like to mention that if you think about this, it doesn't make sense. 1 why was it needed to store fuel in that building? and why not in the basement/underground like in every gas station on the planet? 2:if there really was a fuel storage somewhere putting extra fuel on the fire this vid clearly shows that the fires simply weren't that bad. and there was ...


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