www.TheNewAeon2012.com NOTE TRANSCRIPT INCLUDED BELOW. New Archangel Michael message (written on 18/11/11) dealing with the direct connection between the Reptilian Matrix and our Subconscious. Carlos Castaneda's "predator" is mentioned, in connection with this. This is a great message that is both disturbing and inspiring! It is up to US to focus on the positive and inspiring part, however... As I stand here on the precipice of civilization, I watch, as the world seemingly crumbles from chaos and madness --a madness we ourselves have created and participate in daily; a madness borne from our imperfections, our desires, our emotions, our Ego. Ah, yes, the Ego: what a wonderful thing, hey? Both wonderful and destructive. At once, the force which has propelled us above all other forms of life on this planet and also the power that is leading us headfirst into annihilation. For, the Ego is a thing we do not need any longer; it is a relic of a by-gone era, its the shadow in Man, it is what makes us like animals: it sends us to wars, it makes us kill our own brother and turn against our father and mother, it makes us rape our own daughter, it makes us kill babies of the enemy camp because, after all, "all is fair in love and War", right? Wrong! Dead wrong! And this is why civilization is now dying. We see it as being this magnificent monster, composed of technology, science and all sorts of wondrous achievements, yet it's like an apple that looks shiny and luscious, on the ...
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