So what is cold water extraction? It's a way to get a substance out of a mixture, using cold water. It isn't the easiest or simplest sort of procedure to do, as it is often done by chemists and experts. Cold water extraction is an interesting theory and an interesting process, so if you are a chemist, you might be interested in learning more about it.
How does one learn about this process? You can learn about it by researching online or taking courses at a university. The process itself is simple, and I'll explain the basic idea in this article. Essentially, you want to find a solution, a mix of substances. Using warm water, you dissolve the mix and very quickly cool the new mixture.
Out of the water, the soluble compounds stay dissolved. However, some of the insoluble parts precipitate.
What next? You can separate the solution using filtration!
This is a process used by drug manufacturers and research assistants to make some types of drugs. Many painkillers are created through the use of this water precipitate recipe.
If you are interested more in the process, you can do research online and at your local university to see what classes are offered. Online, you will be able to find plenty of links and forums that will direct you to more information about this process. This is not the simplest and easiest thing to do in practice, so make sure you know what you are doing before attempting to undertake cold water extraction.
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